we are involved in the development of technology

Technologies for website development - REXLAMA

We participate in the development of technology and make push requests to github of different projects to help their developers, fix bugs and improve the IT world.

Our projects are developed using the most advanced technologies in web development and information technology. Here is an overview of the key technologies and tools we use:

Programming languages and markup languages:

  • HTML, XML, HAML: Basic markup languages for creating the structure of web pages.
  • CSS, SCSS, SASS: Style languages for designing the appearance of web pages.
  • PHP, Python, Java, JavaScript, C, C#: Various programming languages used to create dynamic functions and logic for web applications.
  • OpenCV: Computer vision library for working with images and videos.

Frameworks and libraries:

  • Bootstrap, MDB, Material, Foundation: CSS frameworks for creating responsive and stylish user interfaces.
  • Laravel, Yii3, Django, Flask, Jupiter: Popular frameworks for rapid development of web applications and APIs.
  • React, Vue, Angular, Express.js, Htmx: JavaScript frameworks and libraries for creating interactive user interfaces and SPAs.
  • FastAPI: A fast and modern framework for building web APIs in Python.


  • MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Cassandra: Various relational and non-relational databases for storing and managing data.

Infrastructure and servers:

  • Nginx, Apache: Web servers for serving websites and web applications.
  • PostFix, Exim, Dovecot, IRedMail, Zimbra: Mail servers for organizing e-mail.
  • Linux (CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, Arch, Gentoo), freeBSD, OpenBSD, Windows Server: Operating systems for hosting and deploying web applications.

Project development and management tools:

  • Git, GitHub, GitBucket, GitKraken: Version control systems for collaborative code development.
  • Docker, VirtualBox, VMWare, Hypervisor Type I, Hypervisor Type II: Virtualization for deploying and managing virtual environments.

Other technologies and methods:

  • REST, gRPC, CRUD, MVC, MVCL: Architectural patterns and approaches to developing web applications.
  • WebSockets, WebRTC, chat protocols, IoT: Technologies for the implementation of real-time communication and the Internet of Things.
  • Signals, Cron: Mechanisms for managing tasks and executing actions on a schedule.
  • SEO: Search engine optimization, A/B testing, conversion rate improvement and website ranking management.

Documentation and languages:

  • LaTeX: A program for creating technical documentation, books and scientific papers.
  • Kazakh, Russian, English: Languages ​​for writing technical documentation and web documentation.

We strive to use the most modern and efficient tools to ensure high quality and productivity of our projects. Contact us to start working on your project today!

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