Angular Logotype


July 31, 2024, 2:46 a.m.

Angular is a popular framework for developing web applications, created and maintained by Google

VUE js Logotype


July 31, 2024, 2:50 a.m.

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications (SPAs)

React Logotype


July 31, 2024, 2:53 a.m.

React — бұл пайдаланушы интерфейстерін құруға арналған Facebook әзірлеген танымал JavaScript кітапханасы

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Frameworks for Single Page Application (SPA) development have become an integral part of modern web development. These frameworks enable the creation of highly interactive and responsive web applications that load once and update only the necessary parts of the interface as the user interacts with it. This provides a faster and smoother user experience compared to traditional multi-page applications.

Advantages of SPA:

  1. Fast loading and response: Loads only once, with subsequent interactions happening instantly.
  2. User convenience: The user interface updates without page reloads, making the application more seamless and intuitive.
  3. Ease of scaling: Frameworks allow easy addition of new features and modification of existing ones without the need for global changes.
  4. Cross-platform compatibility: Applications can run on various devices and platforms, ensuring a unified user experience.

Popular frameworks for SPA development:

  1. Angular: Developed by Google, includes all necessary tools for creating complex and scalable applications.
  2. Vue: Known for its low learning curve and flexibility, making it a popular choice for various projects.
  3. React: A library from Facebook, renowned for its performance and extensive ecosystem.

Using these frameworks allows developers to create modern web applications that meet high user demands for speed and functionality.

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